Women growing in faith and dedication to God, as we seek to honor Him

through Bible study, fellowship, encouragement, outreach, and spiritual growth.

W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   P A R K   W O M E N ' S   M I N I S T R Y

Women from the community and The Park are invited to participate in all of our women’s events and Bible studies. Registration information {when applicable} is below.
Every woman has gifts and talents that can be used for the glory of God.  We encourage you to seek opportunities to be involved with your Sisters in Christ.
To learn more about The Park Women's Ministry, visit the Next Steps room in the auditorium following Sunday morning services.

U P C O M I N G   E V E N T S   &   A N N O U N C E M E N T S

W O M E N ' S   B I B L E   S T U D I E S   &   S M A L L   G R O U P S

S U N D A Y   M O R N I N G S   Y E A R - R O U N D

A weekly Bible class designed specifically for women of all stages of life.  
Join us on Sunday mornings in B111 @ The Park | 10:30a

W E D N E S D A Y   C O N N E C T I O N

A seasonal Bible study as a mid-week opportunity to be in community with God as Sisters in Christ
Join us on Wednesday mornings in C105 @ The Park | 9:30a | thru 12.4
{child care for class attendees}

W O M E N ' S   M I N I S T R Y   S M A L L   G R O U P S  

heartfelt Ministry @ The Park

heartfelt is a Titus 2 small group ministry for women of all ages and stages ~ from 18 to 108!  We are moms and daughters, sisters, friends.  We are all friends who become family.  Older women (heart Moms) become mentors and friends and host heart Sisters for a monthly meal together, september - may.  Younger women (heart Sisters) become closer friends.   heartfelt encourages group members to truly care for one another, to share life together, and provide a “safe space” for sharing matters of the heart.

Season 2024-25 Registration Open is Now Closed.
Groups begin meeting in September.


M E E T   T H E   P A R K   W O M E N ' S   M I N I S T E R

Hannah Brown

Women's Minister

W O M E N ' S   M I N I S T R Y  C A L E N D A R   O F   E V E N T S