"Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven." ~ Matthew 9:2

"Take heart, daughter...your faith has healed you." ~ Matthew 9:22

Jesus very lovingly and compassionately speaks to the two individuals in both of these stories.
He SEES them.  He SEES their heart.  He MEETS their needs right where they are.

To be the hands and feet of Jesus is not only what we are called to be about,
but what we desire to be about.  Take Heart Ministries is a collaboration of both Park ministries
and area organizations who are partnering to love on and encourage children, adults, and families
in our church and community who need us most.

Adoption & Foster Support Ministry

The Adoption and Foster Support Ministry supports families that are Foster Parents or Adoptive Parents with meals, clothing, and expenses for the sudden changes in their families as they serve these loved children.  Park families that are going through the adoption process may apply for reimbursement of legal, medical, travel, and lodging expenses within a year.  For assistance, please reach out to Sommer, Park Ministry Leader.

Bridges Foundation

The mission of the Bridges Foundation is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, and our community through training, education, employment services and advocacy.  As a volunteer, you can serve at the Mercantile, assisting Bridges clients with crafts, and assist with cleaning, yard work, and maintenance at the Bridges facility.
Visit www.bridgestulsa.org to learn more about their mission.


Lilyfield is a Christ-centered ministry devoted to providing safe and stable families for at-risk children and youth.  They serve children, youth, birth, and foster families by sharing God’s love in our community.   As a volunteer, you can help deliver items to families, be part of after school assistance with kids, be a chaperone/mentor, and help with training families.  
To learn more about Lilyfield's mission, visit www.lilyfield.org.

Safe Families Oklahoma

Safe Families Oklahoma is a non-profit organization that works through the local church to ensure that struggling parents have adequate options for meeting their children’s needs for a short period of time by recruiting volunteer Host Families, and surrounding them with a circle of support.  There is a role for everyone to keep children safe and families together!
Visit linktr.ee/SafeFamiliesOK to learn more.

Trimble Strong Foundation

The Trimble Strong Foundation is a non-profit organization that transforms people from their current position spiritually, emotionally, physically, professionally and financially. They want to bring faith, hope and love into the lives of every person they interact with.
To learn more about Trimble Strong, visit trimblestrong.org.

Wonderfully Made

We want all of our children to have the opportunity to learn about God and to participate in the fun ways that will help them grow in understanding Him.  If your child has a special need/disability, please sign up for Wonderfully Made.  Based on your child's needs, we will pair your child with the perfect "Big Buddy" to go with him/her to Children's Worship and then on to Children's Bible Class to help him/her have the best opportunity to learn and grow.

Take Heart, Friends ... loving volunteers 

in these ministries & organizations are here for you.   

To connect digitally, please reach out thru the links provided above.

At Park, visit the Next Steps Room following worship on Sunday mornings.