P R A Y .   E N C O U R A G E .   G I V E .   G O.

The Park Church loves missions.  Because of God's goodness,

we are blessed to actively participate in many mission fields around the world.

I T ' S   G O !   T I M E 

On May 5th, we collectively moved in faith and dedicated our entire offering to The Lord to do with what only He can do.  

We humbly gave donations and pledges to support the Missions He has brought before us to pray over, encourage, and GIVE to.

It's Go! Time .... Let's begin in PRAYER, and see how GOD moves in us and through us ....

One YEAR of Mission Focused Prayers...

One Day of MISSIONS Focused GIVING

P A R K ' S   O N   A   M I S S I O N

The Park is very blessed to be able to financially support numerous domestic and international full-time missionaries; and we are committed to sending short-term mission teams around the world on a year-round basis. Additionally, The Park Missions Focus Group supports one-time requests to mission points around the world.
MISSIONS: PRAY. ENCOURAGE. GIVE. GO! is our program to gather support for many of these mission efforts.

A C T I V E   M I S S I O N   P O I N T S    A R O U N D   T H E   G L O B E

Ron & Lori Clark

Portland, Oregon
• Agape Community Ministries
• Focusing on community leadership and ministry in the Portland, Oregon area

Charles & Angela Marsalis

New Orleans, Louisiana
• Planted Hollygrove Church of Christ following Hurricane Katrina, 2007
• Ministers families in one of the poorest neighborhoods of New Orleans
The Park has supported the Marsalis Family since 2008, sending short-term teams each year to serve in the community and build relationships, including an annual neighborhood fish fry.

Contact Mission Church of Christ

Tulsa, Oklahoma
• A church plant in the inner city of Tulsa
• Supported by many of The Park's members for many years through prayer, monetary giving, volunteer workers, etc.
The Park MISSIONS continues to partner with and support this growing congregation.  This partnership has become even more special, as Park's very own, Jamie Simmons -- who grew up at Park since he was in the sixth grade -- serves as Minister at Contact, along with his wife and two young children.


Tulsa, Oklahoma
• Outreach for those wanting to learn/practice conversational English by pairing with a member volunteer
• Uses the book of Luke for readers to practice their English-reading skills; volunteers use questions from each lesson to engage in English-speaking conversations

Disaster Response

United States
• Gathers supplies and volunteers to travel to areas of the United States experiencing natural disasters
• Provides friendly faces, helping hands, and the love of Christ to those in need
• Short-term teams, led by Park Disaster Response Team coordinators 

Prison Ministry

Oklahoma area facilities
• Led by Park members, Jim and Jody Carmichael & Jim Pinkston, along with a host of Park member volunteers
• Hosts Bible studies in several prisons each week
• Many souls are taught about Jesus & baptized through this great volunteer effort 

Hispanic Ministry

Tulsa, Oklahoma
• Francisco Davila preaches each Sunday in Spanish to a growing membership
 • Iglesias de Cristo worships in the Chapel building at The Park
• Sunday Bible classes for all ages

Deaf Ministry

Tulsa, Oklahoma
• Zeth Pankhurst and Lewis Perry lead the Deaf ministry along with several faithful volunteers
• Worships in ASL that is voice translated for all
• Bible classes and activities keep these Park members busy and joyful as they worhsip

Campus Bible Chair

Northeastern State University
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma University
• Creates a space for students to relax, learn, & experience Spiritual growth
• Develops life-long friendships in God's Kingdom
The Park cheers on and supports all three of these universities and their Bible Chair programs. 

Amber Foster

Baxter Institute of Biblical Studies

Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
• Began work in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in 2006
• Launched Breaking Chains Ministries which serves those seeking to leave life on the streets
• Family includes one daughter, Rosie, and numerous foster children
The Park has been Amber’s lead sponsor since 2006. She developed a love for missions while serving in missions as a student at Oklahoma Christian.
• Prepares students to become preachers, teachers, missionaries, and leaders among churches of Christ throughout the Spanish-speaking world

Francisco & Yahoska Mayorga

Doors Slammed Open

• Missionary details coming soon

Honduras / El Salvador
• Supporting students at the Boarder Bible Institute in both Honduras and El Salvador
• Short Term mission trips are sponsored by The Park each year
The Park became a sponsor of Doors Slammed Open many years ago.

Santos & Lidia Palacios

Raul & Betty Alvarado

Jiquilsco, El Salvador
Panama City, Panama
• Moved to El Salvador in 2014 to begin a new work in Jiquilisco
• Planted a new church in Puerto El Triunfo in 2017
The Park has sponsored the Palacios Family since 2014. Santos and Lidia became Christians through their relationship with Iglesia de Cristo at The Park while living in Tulsa. They host The Park’s short-term mission teams each year.
• Metropolitan Church of Christ in Panama City was established in 2009
• Preach and teach in nearby towns and jungle villages
• Administrators of their church-based school
The Park began supporting the Alvarado’s in 2010. Our members travel to teach at the Panama Bible School. 

Lagosette School

Outreach Center

Lagosette, Haiti
Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic
• A Christian school with classes from preschool through sixth grade
• Over 340 children attend school here
• Provides a hot meal each school day
The school on the Manna property allows children from several villages to attend school there. The Park pays teacher salaries.

• Serves local children in Rio San Juan by providing physical needs
• Offers after-school activities, tutoring help, Bible classes, & family support
The Park became a sponsor of the Outreach Center when it began in 2006.

Otavio & Alessandra Calegari

Rafael & Cristiane Rezende

Niteroi / Florianoplis, Brazil
•  Native Brazilians; moved to Brasilia to work with the church in 2008
• Otavio serves as the preacher in Niteroi, also teaching others to preach
• Otavio & Alessandra's adult children also serve in the church
• Moving to Florianoplis, Brazil in '24 to strengthen the church and start a Bible School there
The Park has supported the Calegari's mission work for over 10 years.
• More information on this mission work coming soon

David & Ari Rafael

Curahuasi, Peru
• David is native Peruvian and teaches at Diospi Suyana Christian School
• Ari is a physician at Diospi Suyana Mission Hospital
• The Rafael's have two daughters, and they love working with the local people of Peru while teaching about God
• The Park supports the Rafael's through prayer and Shepherding
The Rafael's are self funded.  To help support their work, click on the button below. Select the Fund "Missions", and in the Memo line type RAFAEL.

O'Brien & Maria Malindi

Tshidimbini, South Africa
• Long-time missionaries, teaching the gospel
• O’Brien Malindi is a community leader
• Associated with Gospel Chariot Missions
• Their family includes five adult children
The Park sends a short-term mission team each year to help teach.

Machona & Thabelo Monyamane

Pretoria, South Africa
• Became part of The Park Church of Christ missions family in 2016
• Works with Gospel Chariot Missions
• They have two daughters
A short-term mission team travels to Pretoria, South Africa each year.

Jonathan & Justina Chuma

Beitbridge, Zimbabwe
• Mission information coming soon

Tawanda & Maria Chidzere

Beitbridge, Zimbabwe
• Tawanda Chidzere works closely with other preachers in Zimbabwe and South Africa
• They are native Zimbabweans
• Christianity is the largest growing religion in Africa

Kye & Lydia Courtright

Jura Lazar

Leipzig, Germany
Varazdin, Croatia
• Kye preaches for the Church in Leipzig and organizes Bible studies & activities for all ages
• Lydia, a native German, leads the Women's Ministry and loves sharing the Gospel
• The church is made up of many migrant families whom they help in adapting to life in Germany
 Park has supported the Courtright's mission since 2021.  Kye is the son and brother of Park members.
• Jura works with local authorities to place Bibles in every public school in the area; thousands of children have received their personal copy of the Bible
• A native Croatian, Jura works with the Varaždin Church of Christ and European Missions

Zaljka Vuk

Varazdin, Croatia
• A native Croatian, Zaljka works as executive manager with Croatia for Christ ministry to evangelize & help raise visibility of the Church in Croatia and southeastern Europe
• Started a Women’s Ministry in the Varaždin Church, while also helping with children’s outreach events, camps, & activities
• Local church helps care for several Ukranian refugee families, providing shelter, love, community, and God’s Word

Justin & Jennifer Cherry

Putrela Children's Home

Auckland, New Zealand
Putrela, India
• Serves and leads Discover Church in Auckland
• Leads a non-profit called Back-to-School Project
 The Park has sponsored the Cherry Family for several years. Justin Cherry is from the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. They host Park short-term mission teams.

• Philip Ganta and his family lead a 200 bed children's home
• They rescue children from poverty and slavery
• The home provides a private school K-12th grade Christian education
 The Park has been supporting the Children's Home for several years.

World Bible School

Let's Start Talking

World Wide
World Wide
• Mails correspondence courses all over the world to students wanting to learn more about the Bible and our God
 • Courses teach through the steps of salvation Park members serve as volunteers to write letters and grade lessons for these eager students.
•  An evangelistic, short-term mission focused on sharing Jesus with those seeking to improve their English
• 500+ people go on LST trips to over 30 countries every year
• A new program connects volunteers with students virtually through zoom

Missions Focus Group

World Wide
• Stewards funds from The Park Church of Christ for Missions
• Supports one-time requests for mission points around the world

P R A Y .   E N C O U R A G E .   G I V E .   G O .


Giving to Missions at The Park Church of Christ

MISSIONS GO! TIME is a unified effort of The Park Church of Christ to answer the Great Commission set before us in Mark 16:15…. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” In doing so, we join together to support mission efforts both domestically and internationally by praying, encouraging them, as well as, giving to the MISSIONS fund.  The MISSIONS fund is established through The Park to financially help the missionaries we support in the field and also the short-term mission projects our members go on to support these efforts. 

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on our Upcoming Mission Trips

Each year, we have multiple opportunities to serve on a Short Term Mission Trips, both near and far.
If you would like to learn more about upcoming Mission opportunities, click the button below to email us for more information.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

Mark 16:15

C O N N E C T   W I T H   O U R   M I S S I O N A R I E S 

Our missionaries love to hear from us!

Write an encouragement, question, or prayer, and we'll connect you via email.