S E R V I N G   W I T H   T H E   P A R K

Wherever God is calling your heart to serve --

be it in our community, in the church, or even abroad --

there's an opportunity here for you!!

{use these hyperlinks to go directly to serving opportunties below}

D I S C O V E R   Y O U R   S P I R I T U A L   G I F T S 

With so many amazing opportunities to serve with your Brothers and Sisters @ The Park,
you may be wondering where God is calling you to serve.  
If you're feeling unsure of what Spiritual Gifts you've been blessed with --
or maybe you have Gifts you haven't tapped into yet --
let us help you discover the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that live inside of you!

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Wondering how you can identify your Spiritual Gifts?  There's an App for that!
First, download the FREE App for your smart phone using the link below.
Then follow the prompts through the App to take your "test".
Once you've identified your gift(s), if you would like to know more about how you can use it to God's glory and within The Park church body, reach out to our
Connections Minister @ The Park in the Next Steps Rooms (northwest corner of the auditorium).
A hard copy of the test is available in the Next Steps Room
if you prefer a hand-written test.

For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all,

and therefore all died.  And he died for all, that those who live should no longer

live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

II Corinthians 5:14-15

S E R V I N G   @   T H E   P A R K

Adoption & Foster Support

The Adoption and Foster Support Ministry supports families that are Foster Parents or Adoptive Parents with meals, clothing, and expenses for the sudden changes in their families as they serve these loved children.  During foster family events, Park members and families volunteer their time, love, and encouragement with foster families in the community.  

Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made is a buddy program designed to support children with special needs/disabilities. With Wonderfully Made, we pair a Big Buddy (YOU!) with a Little Buddy during Children’s Worship and/or Bible Class. The role of a Buddy is to support and nurture these children as they actively engage in learning about and worshiping God.  


Christian Automotive Repairmen Serving {C.A.R.S.} is a group of men that service vehicles for our single or senior members. Making minor repairs and keeping your car rolling is what they make happen.  Volunteer here once a month.

Funeral Meals

To support our families during their time of loss, we provide a family Funeral Meal to bless them on the day of the funeral service.  Opportunities to serve include making side dishes, serving the meal, setting-up, and cleaning-up. Sign up to work on a monthly team.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands ministry provides help to those in need with small projects or minor maintenance in their home or yard that can easily be completed in an hour or two by a small team of volunteers.

Homebound Adoption Program

The Homebound Adoption Program provides community and encouragement to a homebound member (often a widow or shut-in) who is not able to be in community physically with the body of Christ at Park.  This ministry is a perfect opportunity for individuals, families, and even small groups, to "adopt" a homebound (or facility-bound) member(s) to share intentional time, love, and encouragement; thus, helping them feel less lonely and more connected to their church family. 

i choose hope

i choose hope is a ministry helping families with loved ones dealing with mental health issues. Offering prayer and support through difficult times, i choose hope helps these families to know that they are not alone while they continue to care for their loved ones. Volunteers may serve during monthly support groups, special events, or as a prayer partner.

Mow Team

The Mow Team serves by mowing and taking care of the landscaping around The Park's campus.  Join a team, and help out one Saturday per month.

Operation Red, White, & Blue

Operation Red, White, & Blue sends cards and care packages for our members' relatives and friends who are currently serving in the military. Care packages are lovingly packed with donated items. Join us for one of our "packing" days.

Prison Ministry

Our Prison Ministry conducts Bible studies in several prisons each week. Many souls are taught about Jesus through this great volunteer effort.  Volunteers help with these studies, as well as grading correspondence courses.

Welcome Team

The Welcome {"Red Shirt"} Team serves on Sunday mornings by sharing friendly smiles and warm greetings to "welcome" guests and members to church.  Team members often serve as a couple or family.  Members serve in a one-month rotation.

Serving opportunities are available year-round and are updated weekly as needs arise.  

Check out this link often, and prayerfully consider where God is calling you to serve with us!

Want more information on serving opportunities?

Visit the Next Steps Room on Sunday mornings or contact us online...

S E R V I N G   T H E   C O M M U N I T Y

The Bridges Foundation

The mission of the Bridges Foundation is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, and our community through training, education, employment services and advocacy.  As a volunteer, you can serve at the Mercantile, assisting Bridges clients with crafts, and assist with cleaning, yard work, and maintenance at the Bridges facility.
Visit www.bridgestulsa.org to learn more about their mission.

Food Bank of Eastern OK

The Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma provides meals to those in our communities who are struggling with hunger. One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time to help the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma get food in the hands of those who need it most. Tasks include bagging, boxing, assembling, sorting, weighing, and labeling food donations and product in the Volunteer Center.
New volunteers to the Food Bank need to submit a waiver through the Volunteer Portal {see button below}.  All volunteers can use the Portal to sign up for serving times with The Park.
To learn more, visit www.okfoodbank.org.


Lilyfield is a Christ-centered ministry devoted to providing safe and stable families for at-risk children and youth.  They serve children, youth, birth, and foster families by sharing God’s love in our community.   As a volunteer, you can help deliver items to families, be part of after school assistance with kids, be a chaperone/mentor, and help with training families.  
To learn more about Lilyfield's mission, visit www.lilyfield.org.

Little Light House 

Little Light House provides Christian education and therapeutic services for children with special needs and their families. Volunteers can spend one to four days a week helping in the classroom or in administration. You can pick your day and the amount of time between 8a-2p to show the love of Christ to the precious children and staff at Little Light House.
Visit www.littlelighthouse.org to learn more.

Not Your Average Joe's Coffee Shop

Not Your Average Joe's mission is to inspire our community by including adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the creation of exceptional coffee in an encouraging atmosphere.  Volunteers select a two-hour date/time to greet customers and interact with the individuals.  
Visit www.nyaj.coffee to learn more about their mission.

Nursing Home Ministry

Small Groups, Bible classes, or individuals (that combine to form a small group) are encouraged to volunteer together to fill requests from area nursing homes to provide worship services, group visits, Christmas caroling, etc. to share the love of Christ with residents (and their visiting families) living in these homes.

Schools Outreach

The Park loves kids, and we have a unique partnership with our community schools to bless teachers and students in a variety of ways, from being a math/reading buddy to serving as a teacher's aide or helping with school events, as requested.

Serving opportunities are available year-round and updated weekly as needs arise.  

Check out this link often, and prayerfully consider where God is calling you to serve with us!

S E R V I N G   I N   M I S S I O N S

Contact Mission Church of Christ

Tulsa, Oklahoma
Contact Mission hosts a meal every Sunday for its members. They seek volunteers to help provide/serve the meal.This is a great opportunity to serve our inner-city ministry partners.  Serve individually, as a family, as a small group or Bible class.

Disaster Response Team

United States
Park's Disaster Response Team gathers supplies and volunteers and then travels to areas of our country that have experienced a natural disaster to help with clean up efforts while providing a friendly face and the love of Christ to those they help. 


Tulsa, Oklahoma
FriendSpeak offers those, whose second language is English, something they want but have difficulty finding – a friend who will help them practice and improve their conversational English.  The text uses the book of Luke for readers to practice their English-reading skills, and volunteers then use questions to engage in English-speaking conversations. If you love Jesus, can speak English, enjoy people, and have an hour a week to volunteer, you can do FriendSpeak!

Host a Missionary

The Park is blessed to support so many incredible missionaries around the world -- and especially blessed when they are able to visit us when they are on furlough.  You could bless our visiting missionaries by hosting them for a meal or a brief stay in your home.

World Bible School

World Bible School mails correspondence courses all over the world to students wanting to learn more about the Bible and our God. The courses teach through the steps of salvation. WBS is always seeking new volunteers to write letters or grade lessons for these eager students.

Want more information on serving opportunities?

Visit the Next Steps Room on Sunday mornings or contact us online...