F I N D   J E S U S

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13


F I N D   J E S U S

Who is Jesus?  And What has He Done for Me?

What is it about this "Jesus" that has drawn followers to Him for over 2,000 years?
Millions of people all over the world believe in Him, but why?
WHO IS JESUS?  Is He alive and still active today?

We would love to sit down with you and help you discover what the Word of God says about who HE is;
to share with you what HE has done for you; and show you why HE loves and adores you so much!

G R O W   Y O U R   R E L A T I O N S H I P   W I T H   J E S U S

We All Need Jesus -- Every Day!

James 4:8 tells us that if we "draw near to God, He will draw near to you."
What are ways that we can draw near to Him?  We need only to look to Jesus
and His life examples for ways to grow our relationship with Him.
Jesus was always intentional in the ways He loved others.
He spent one-on-one time in prayer, giving His Father full attention and being open to God's direction and will.  He showed love and care in His friendships -- by speaking truth
over them, sharing and preparing meals, bringing awareness and attention to His Father.
He set the bar on what it means to serve others -- making others feel seen and loved.

At The Park, we want to be about all of those things.  As we walk this faith journey together,
we want to encourage each other to develop and grow a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Bible classes, Bible studies, service opportunities, Prayer Nights, mission trips -- these are all beautiful ways to not only deepen your relationship with Jesus but also
with others who will be encouraged by The Light they see shining in you!

R E D I S C O V E R   J E S U S 

A Safe Place for Doubt

Our mission is to create a culture at The Park Church of Christ where questions are welcomed and struggles with doubt are met with compassion and support. If you are dealing with difficult questions in your faith journey and feel like you are walking this road alone, there are people who want to talk with you, pray over you, and walk alongside the path with you. If you are interested in speaking to someone, we're here for you.