W H A T ' S   Y O U R   N E X T   S T E P

No matter where you are in your faith journey,

we encourage you to take a Next Step.

T A K E   Y O U R   N E X T   S T E P

Growing in our faith is a journey -- and not one we're meant to travel alone.
Once we come to know Jesus, we grow in relationship with Him, and then disciple others to do the same.
We are called to Be, Make, & Mature Disciples of Christ.


Find Jesus


Next Steps 101


Do you know Jesus?  Are you looking to grow in your relationship with Him?  Are you unsure about your faith and need a safe place to ask questions?  We want to help you discover Jesus in ways you may not have known Him before.
As believers and followers of Christ, we want to strive each day to emulate Him.  Jesus set the example through His own baptism; and following His death and resurrection, He commissioned His disciples to do the same for believers throughout the world.
As a new member of The Park, we want you to feel welcome and informed about the programs and opportunities available to you here as you discover what God has planned for you with this body of believers.  Welcome to The Park!
Wherever God is calling your heart to serve -- be it in our community, in the church, or even abroad --there's an opportunity here for you!


Small Groups & Bible Studies

Bible Classes


The Park is very blessed to be able to financially support numerous domestic and international full-time missionaries; and we are committed to sending short-term mission teams around the world on a year-round basis.  Learn more about our Mission efforts, and how you can participate in Mission opportunities in our community, country, and world.

God's people are meant to grow and walk in faith together, and at The Park, we truly believe that when we worship Him together, we can be at our very best for Him.  The Park offers many different types of small groups and Bible studies where relationships grow with God and with each other as we lean on, support, and lift up one another.

At Park, we want your whole family to experience real life with Jesus.  Our Children's and Youth Ministries are thriving with happy kids and the most loving teachers who are dedicated to fostering a foundation of faith and love for Jesus.  Our Adult Education Ministry provides an offering of Bible classes for every age and every stage of adulthood.  Bible classes for Children, Youth, and Adults are at 9:45a each Sunday and 6:30p on Wednesday nights.
Prayer offers us direct communication with God.  Through prayer, we grow in relationship with Him.   At The Park, we believe in the power of prayer; and we follow Jesus' example as He prayed fervently and often throughout His earthly ministry.


Online Resources

Online Sermons

We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.  He doesn't need our money, but He does want our hearts.
As we strive to Be, Make, & Mature as a disciples of Christ, The Park offers access to various podcasts, classes, and Christian programming.

The Park is blessed with some of the most godly men who stand in the pulpit sharing God's Word on a weekly basis.  Watch and hear the Word of God and the applications for your daily walk with Him.

Not Sure Where to Begin?

Let us help you!

N E X T   S T E P S   R O O M   @   T H E   P A R K

We're here to help you and walk with you as you continue growing in your faith.
The Next Steps Room {located in the northwest corner of the auditorium} is the place to go
immediately following Sunday morning services to talk to a minister or Next Steps volunteer.  
Let us help you get connected and assist you in finding your "next step".

M E E T   T H E   N E X T   S T E P S   M I N I S T E R

Shawn Mayes

Connections Minister

G E T   I N V O L V E D   @   T H E   P A R K