B I B L E   C L A S S E S   @   T H E   P A R K

Whatever your age or stage in life, there's a Bible class for you @ The Park!

Join us on Sundays and Wednesdays...

Sundays @ The Park

all Bible classes begin @ 10:30a (thru summer), immediately following first service

A D U L T   E D U C A T I O N   C L A S S E S
Melting Pot  |  B105
Topical  |  B112
Master Class  |  E112
Older Adults
Truth Seekers  |  B107
Young at Heart  |  104
Cornerstone {55+}  |  B108
Keystone {50+}  |  B202
Gen X Ambassadors {40-50}  |  B201
In the Middle {Empty Nesters}  |  B109
Ladies' Class  |  B111
Deaf Bible Class {ASL}  |  D106  |  10:00a
Young Families
Family Connections {30-45}  |  B210
Young Families {25-40}  |  C105
Young Adults
Connected {primarily couples}  |  B206
Belong {primarily singles }  |  B207
C H I L D R E N   &   Y O U T H   C L A S S E S
6th - 12th grades | Youth Building
Infants - 5th Grade | Children's Building
Children - Youth | Chapel
{dismissed to classes from worship} 

Wednesdays @ The Park

Bible classes for ALL ages begin @ 6:30p + other adult offerings throughout the day

A D U L T   E D U C A T I O N   C L A S S E S
Ladies' Bible Class  |  C105  |  9:30a  (resumes in fall '24)
Early Bird Bible Class  |  Chapel  |  3:00p
Wonders of Worship
All Adults  |  Park Auditorium  |  6:30p
C H I L D R E N   &   Y O U T H   C L A S S E S
6th - 12th grades | Youth Building
Infants - 5th grades | Children's Building