The Park Church is dedicated to helping children discover

the Bible and all of its blessings.

W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   P A R K   K I D S

The Park Children's Ministry offers Bible classes for every child at every age.  
We are ready to partner with parents to teach their children about God and His wonderful creations.


*Children's Worship & **Attended Nursery  |  9:00a (thru summer)
{birth - 5 years}
The Park  |  South Lobby

Bible Classes  |  10:30a
{birth - 5th grade}
The Park Children's Building

*Dismissal for Children's Worship {3's, 4's, & 5's} will be announced at the appropriate time in The Park worship assembly.  At this time, parents may walk their children to the designated areas announced to meet their teachers and volunteers for drop-off.
**Infants and toddlers may be dropped off in the attended nurseries before worship or during the Children's Worship dismissal time.


Bible Classes  |  6:30p
{birth - 5th grade}
The Park Children's Building

K E E P I N G   O U R   K I D S   S A F E

It is our priority to make every reasonable effort to ensure a safe and healthy environment for each child in our care during Children's Worship and Bible Class times.  Everyone in the children’s department, both children and adults, wears a name tag.  Every family must check in to our security system before their child(ren) attends Children's Worship or Bible Class and print their tags. Parents/guardians will also get a matching tag (or use your bar code in the app) to pick up your child(ren) from Children's Worship and/or Bible Class.

Another way we maintain your child’s safety is through our selection and use of teachers and volunteers.  All our volunteers have been members at The Park for at least six months; and we require a background check before allowing any adult to serve with children.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

W H A T   W E ' R E   L E A R N I N G

Come celebrate learning our October memory verse, Psalm 100:5, and kick off learning our November memory verse, Genesis 50:20!

T H I S   &   T H A T

Starting October 6th, we'll have cards available to decorate during services during October. You can return them to the Check-In desk.

U P C O M I N G   E V E N T S

Fathers or mentors and boys are invited to join us for an afternoon of building, games, snacks, and lots of fun! Our project this year is to decorate your own pickleball paddle -- and we'll have some fun competition playing pickleball! We'll also have an encouraging speaker and activities for all ages and skill levels! Cost is $12/person. 

W O N D E R F U L L Y   M A D E   --  A   B U D D Y   M I N I S T R Y

Wonderfully Made is a program designed to support children with special needs/disabilities -- and their parents.

Wonderfully Made enables parents of children

with special needs/disabilities the peace of mind

that their child is safe and well cared for

while they, too, can worship

& participate in their own Bible class.

We want all of our children to have the opportunity to learn about God and to participate in the fun ways that will help them grow in understanding Him.
If your child has a special need/disability, please sign up for Wonderfully Made.  Based on your child's needs, we will pair your child with the perfect "Big Buddy" to go with him/her to Children's Worship and then on to Children's Bible Class to help him/her have the best opportunity to learn and grow.

Become a Big Buddy to an Awesome Child

We have amazing children with varying abilities at Park that need us to walk alongside them. Our church desires for ALL children and their families to fully participate in our services.  We pair a Big Buddy (YOU!) with a Little Buddy during Children’s Worship and/or Bible Class. The role of a Big Buddy is to support and nurture these children as they actively engage in learning about and worshiping God.
Please consider being a part of this essential ministry. You will be blessed!

M E E T   T H E   P A R K   K I D S   M I N I S T R Y   T E A M

Danielle Shrock

Children's Minister

Michelle Courtright

Assistant Children's Minister

Brooklyn Kelly

Assistant Children's Minister

C H I L D R E N ' S   M I N I S T R Y   C A L E N D A R   O F   E V E N T S