2013 Children's Music Camp Performance
From Cyndi Nine, Rob Howard and David Guthrie of Little Big Stuff!
Hold onto yer horses and get ready for a true tale from the Good Book like you've never heard it before!
Jonah, the prophet of Israel sends and receives telegraphs to and from the Living God on behalf of the people, and all is fine, until the Lord tells him to go to that "dirty, rotten, flea-bitten foreign city called Ninevah" and preach against it! So, wouldn't ya' know it, instead of boardin' the east-bound train to Ninevah, Jonah hops a west-bound stage to Tarshish!
When a big storm comes up on the prairie, threatening to blow the stage over, the driver rolls the dice and up comes Jonah's number as the one who must be angering "the gods." Jonah confesses that he is running the opposite direction from what Jehovah instructed him, and he is thrown off the stage and lands in a ... well (say it with yer best cowboy twang!). No, not a whale ... an old, abandoned well, where he languishes for 3 days and 3 nights. And ... you know what happens from there! Once again, like in all Little Big Stuff musicals, it all points to Jesus, and the Good News of the gospel.